Jump rope HIIT workout with bodyweight exercises at home. Burn MAJOR fat and tone your muscles with bodyweight exercises. This workout is combo of my fav 3
1️⃣Sweating 2️⃣Skipping 3️⃣Sweat pants 💯#jumpropeHIIT💪🏻
🆕 22min full body #jumpropeworkout. Wasn’t planning on posting this because I look like a 🔥 mess but it’s too good not to soooo #yourewelcome 😉
Using https://www.gratituderopes.com/ . 1/8lb, 1/4lb and 1/2lb to mix it up because who doesn’t like to switch things up⁉️ BONUS added weighted handles for extra 🔥! #sogood 💪🏻
🔥60 sec Jump rope
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Squat jacks
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Plank shoulder taps
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec Double unders (or all out)
1 min REST
🔥60 sec Jump rope
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Squat jumps
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Spider man plank
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec Double unders ( or all out)
1 min REST
🔥60 sec Jump rope
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Squat jumps
10 sec rest
💪🏻30 sec Spider man plank
10 sec rest
🔥30 sec Double unders ( or all out)
⚠️ BEST Jump Rope set EVER---DISCOUNT use PROMO CODE: Ropefam for 10% off your first Jump Rope Set.
www.gratituderopes.com Enjoy these will be the only jump ropes you’ll ever need.
As a former competitive Jump Roper and current Fitness Coach, I combine both of my passions to give you the BEST jump rope workouts and tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to my channel so I can keep you jumping! Check out these other related videos; How to start jumping rope for beginners: https://youtu.be/E6v_VcZ6qDQ Why you keep tripping over your jump rope and it’s not your technique https://youtu.be/qHyqDq-L0wE High intensity jump rope HIIT workout for fat loss and strength https://youtu.be/tq0D3qO0rhw Diastasis Recti jump Rope Workout to Burn Fat; https://youtu.be/agF_JQh-mEc Shop my FAVS here; https://www.amazon.com/shop/jumprope_mom Come jump with me here! Website: https://www.thejumpropemom.com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jumprope_mom/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jump-Rope-Mom-101631144679189/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jumprope_mom/pins/ #hiitworkout #jumpropeworkouts #jumpropehiit #jumpropeworkout