Easy jump rope skills to add into your fitness or workouts. These are the top 7 basic jump rope drills for beginners or anyone just getting into working out. I’ll break down the top 7 jump rope drills and show you how to make them beginner, intermediate and advanced depending on your fitness level. For beginners: You’ll do each skill for 10 jumps then 10 sec rest in-between For Intermediate: You’ll do each skill for 10 jumps then 10 basic bounces in-between For Advanced: You’ll do each skill for 10 jumps then do high knees or ( doubleunders) for 10 jumps in-between Top 7 skills:
Side Straddle
Heel Taps
Single Leg
Example for a beginner:
Pick one skill, do it for 10 jumps, take a 10 sec rest, then move onto next skill. Slowly work your endurance up for longer durations.
***To add intensity and a higher calorie burn I’m using Gratitude ropes 3 in 1 rope set. Switching out heavier rope weights.
https://www.gratituderopes.com/products/gratitude-jump-ropes starting with 1/8lb, 1/4lb and 1/2lb BONUS added weighted handles for extra 🔥
As a former competitive Jump Roper and current Fitness Coach, I combine both of my passions to give you the BEST jump rope workouts and tutorials.
Be sure to subscribe to my channel so I can keep you jumping! Check out these other related videos; How to start jumping rope for beginners: https://youtu.be/E6v_VcZ6qDQ How to do Single and double side swings: https://youtu.be/SU3N4QkhJms Why you keep tripping over your jump rope and it’s not your technique https://youtu.be/qHyqDq-L0wE High intensity jump rope HIIT workout for fat loss and strength https://youtu.be/tq0D3qO0rhw Diastasis Recti jump Rope Workout to Burn Fat; https://youtu.be/agF_JQh-mEc ⚠️ BEST Jump Rope set EVER---DISCOUNT use PROMO CODE: Ropefam for 10% off your first Jump Rope Set. https://www.gratituderopes.com/products/gratitude-jump-ropes Enjoy these will be the only jump ropes you’ll ever need. Shop my FAVS here; https://www.amazon.com/shop/jumprope_mom Come jump with me here! Website: https://www.thejumpropemom.com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jumprope_mom/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jump-Rope-Mom-101631144679189/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jumprope_mom/pins/ #hiitworkout #jumpropeworkouts #jumpropehiit #jumpropeworkout