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How to start jumping rope if you're just getting back into exercising

If you want to make jumping rope a regular part of your exercise routine but need help on how and where to get started...I'M HERE FOR YOU! ;-)

The truth is, we all have to start somewhere, whether you're just getting back into working out or have never worked out before. I have several tips for you that will get you going and reaching whatever jump rope goals you might have. Let's jump in! (pun intended)

1. Identify your “why.”

This is a huge part of staying motivated, consistent, and positive when you're first starting to add in exercise like jumping rope. It's important to be honest with yourself as to WHY you want to start. That will keep you motivated and push you to keep going even when you don't feel like it.

Fitness should be about your own goals and what feels right for you. Don't get caught up in why everyone else is doing it. Focus on yourself and remember we all go at our own pace.

2. Invest in some gear

It's important to start with a pair of training shoes that have good ankle and foot support. Jumping rope uses muscles in our foot and ankle that aren't normally worked. Be sure you have support, especially if you're new to jumping rope to avoid injuries. Also, if you're a women you'll definitely want to wear a high impact sports bra. It can get uncomfortable and you'll want to protect your back and chest.

You don’t have to go overboard, though: A workout tank is a workout tank. No need for anything fancy, check out some of my favorites options here.

3. Start by scheduling just two-three jump rope sessions a week—but make movement a daily thing.

As you get started jumping rope, think about long-term consistency. A great question to ask yourself is, How many days a week can you realistically fit into your life? Then work your up to 3-5 days a week. Setting a realistic goal is key to sticking with it, and since you'll probably be sore after your first couple session, this means you'll need to recover in-between.

Try starting with 5-10min of jumping rope 2-3 times a week. Start with 30 second intervals then rest 30 seconds. To maximaixe your fitness goals and have a higher calorie burn. Add in a weighted jump rope for extra resistance. Also, doing body weight exercises in-between intervals keeps it fun and makes it a full body workout.

Doing something small each day—even if it’s 15 minutes of walking—really builds the momentum and reinforces the habit. Keep it up! :)

4. Find a time that works for you.

There’s always been a lot of talk in the fitness world about when’s the best time to work out. The real answer is, whatever time is best for you. The time that fits into your lifestyle, your preferences, and your energy level.

Start off trying different times, it doesn't matter as long as it's SOMETIME. You might find that mornings work better somedays and other days it's evenings or your lunch break. Just be sure to plan ahead so it gets done.

5. Nail down the basics to get a solid foundation.

Once you start jumping rope, you don’t want to go all-in right away. Take the time first to learn the basics, which will allow you to safely progress while avoiding injuries or overstraining your muscles.

Go at your own pace and listen to your body. Here are several beginner jump videos to get you started on the right foot! ;-)

6. Avoid the “too much” too soon "trap".

One major mistake I often see beginners do is trying to do too much, too soon. They start off jumping for way too long and then paying the price the next day. You need to start slow so your body is acclimated to the new muscles groups it's working while jumping rope.

People tend to do this when they are just getting started jumping rope because they’re super-eager to reach their goals, and they want to get right into the swing of things.

But this strategy is actually counterproductive to your goals. Whatever your version of too much, too soon may be, the outcome is often the same: It can burn you out, you may end up dreading your workouts, and you're more likely to get injured or experience shin splints. So take it gradually. Learn how to master the movements, and see how you feel when you make jumping rope a part of your regular life—it’s going to be more sustainable than making it your whole life.

7. Consider buying two pieces of basic jump rope equipment.

Chances are pretty high that if you’re looking to start jumping rope now, you’re probably going to be doing it at home- Invest in a jump rope that can grow with you. From beginner to cardio and even some strength training. My favorite ropes our Gratitude Ropes. It has 3 different ropes that is everything you'll need for your jump rope training goals. That and adding a jump rope mat to protect your joints, prolong your ropes and keep it low-impact.

Most importantly, give yourself gratitude. Be thankful for where you're at and where you're going. It will make your fitness journey much more enjoyable. :)

WHO DIS? About the Author

Karly Kent, AKA Jump Rope Mom Founder of Gratitude Ropes, a former competitive jump roper, certified fitness coach, and mom of two, turned her childhood passion into a mission to help others get fit while finding gratitude and appreciation for life. Karly knows first hand how striving for our fitness and life goals can make us take our achievements, body, and current lives for granted. Karly teaches others how to jump rope, get fit and inspires others to go after their dreams despite what is being thrown at them, with gratitude. That inspired her to launch her own Jump Ropes, called Gratitude Ropes. To serve as a reminder to take a moment and appreciate the tiny wins around us, that’s when our world starts to change. It's the small things that add up and can carry you through those hard times. Jumping Rope is her Jam!


Looking for new ropes? Start here with 10% off my favorites set for getting fit!

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