Why does it matter? And the best technique to get you to stop in 2 minutes. Double bounce is common and easy to break. As a former competitive Jump Roper and current Fitness Coach, I combine both of my passions to give you the BEST jump rope workouts and tutorials.
With my 30 years of jumping rope, I’ll give you my best and simplest technique to get you to stop the double bounce habit jumping rope. Why does it matter? It only becomes an issue if you want to learn any other jump rope techniques or tricks. Such as criss crosses, double unders or even alternate foot step. Practice this jump rope drill and you’ll be on your way to many more tricks! :)
Looking for the BEST jump rope set?? Check out my line Gratitude Ropes. 3 in 1 weighted ropes for fitness and freestyle jumping all in one set. ***Limited time FREE SHIPPING using code “Freeship” to US and Canada ONLY. https://www.gratituderopes.com/products/gratitude-jump-ropes (comes with 1/8lb, 1/4lb and 1/2lb BONUS added weighted handles for extra 🔥)
Protects your joints and ropes with Gratitude Jump rope Mat. Use promo code Gratitude25 for 25% off your first mat order. https://www.gratituderopes.com/products/jump-rope-mat Be sure to subscribe to my channel so I can keep you jumping!
Check out these other related videos;
How to start jumping rope for beginners: https://youtu.be/E6v_VcZ6qDQ
Learn the side swing crisscross jumping rope: https://youtu.be/JAFaNp8vdwQ
How to do Single and double side swings: https://youtu.be/SU3N4QkhJms
Why you keep tripping over your jump rope and it’s not your technique https://youtu.be/qHyqDq-L0wE
TOP 15 Beginner Jump Rope Skills to learn: https://youtu.be/cW1bT3Jpul4 SHOP WITH ME HERE ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jumprope_mom
Come jump with me here!
Website: https://www.thejumpropemom.com
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jumprope_mom/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jump-Rope-Mom-101631144679189/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jumprope_mom/pins/